In REACH Profiles a person’s position on the 2x2 grid gives a general overview of a person's general style, and an extreme position on the grid may reflect tendencies that can be interpreted to add value to the interview process.

For example, a person on the far right if the grid is much more likely to pursue things with more urgency than the person with a more methodical approach on the far left. If a role needed one or the other approach, you may explore that with the person with open questions during the interview process.

However, it is the 10 Dimensions (5 Relational Drive and 5 Achievement Drive) listed below that really add value.

PD Training REACH Recruitment Achieving Dimensions Icon
  • Intensity: Measured - Intense
  • Assertiveness: Reflective - Content
  • Risk Tolerance: Cautious - Bold
  • Adaptability: Consistent - Flexible
  • Decision Making: Analytical - Intuitive
PD Training REACH Recruitment Relating Dimensions Icon
  • Affiliation Independent - Social
  • Consideration: Objective - Nurturing
  • Openness: Private - Open
  • Status Motivation: Content - Competitive
  • Self Protection: Sceptical - Trusting
PD Training REACH Recruitment

These 10 dimensions all have advantages at either end of the continuum and at the moderate position depending on the role and context.

In a recruitment context, they help us identify the natural inclination of a person and help us further explore what their natural tendency would be. We can gain insights to their most common approach vs the approach that is most suited the to the situation they will work within. It helps us ask more probing questions to see if the environment they are entering will be a natural fit, an exciting invigorating challenge, or simply not a long term mutually rewarding match.

Below describes the two most common uses of REACH Profiles (and psychometric tools in general) during recruitment and selection


In this approach, the hiring manager is provided with a visually clear, statistically valid, 1-page report on how closely the applicant matches the profile of the highest performing people in the same role at the same organisation.

To achieve a statistically valid tool we take the following process

PD Training REACH Recruitment Incumbents Icon
Profile incumbents

A minimum of 60 incumbents take the REACH Profile. 


PD Training REACH Recruitment Correlate to Performance Icon
Correlate to Performance

Using your performance data (the information you use to rate performance - for example long tenure, high customer satisfaction, strong appraisal scores, high sales, low error rates), our Professor undertakes the analysis to identify distinguishing traits that are common across the high performers, and correlation between performance.

PD Training REACH Recruitment Postion Profile Icon
Provide a Position Profile and an analysis report

Then we provide you with a Role Profile of your high performers and a report to show the underlying analysis.

This has a once-off cost of USD$5,500 and can take up to 1-month.

PD Training REACH Recruitment Sales Position Profile Image
REACH Overview Example Report Download REACH Benchmark Example Report Download

Download a modified example of reports provided in the aged care sector for an organisation aiming to hire high-performing General Managers (labelled in the report as Community Managers) of aged care facilities.

2. Situational Interpretation

In this approach, the Hiring Manager looks at the 10 Style Dimensions of a candidate to identify areas that could be explored further to be more confident of a good match for the specific needs of the business.

This approach is most useful to explore ‘fit’ of a highly capable person to the specific needs of the business.

The application is situationally specific, and infinitely variable. Here are some examples of how Situational Interpretation could be used.


REACH Recruitment hiring a leader icon



Hiring a leader in the highly-regulated financial industry.On the surface, would you seek someone with a Risk Tolerance rating of Cautious or Bold?

REACH risk tolorance Image


REACH Recruitment hiring a sales person icon



Hiring a sales person to work from their home office selling into a territory with a lot of outbound calling.
On the surface, would you seek someone with an Affiliation rating of Independent or Social

REACH Recruitment Collaboration


REACH Recruitment hiring a customer service person icon

Customer service


Hiring a customer service officer to join during a period of significant change with new systems, mergers and many new products and services being launched over the next 12-months. 
On the surface would you seek someone with an Adaptability rating of Consistent or Flexible?

REACH Recruitment Adaptibility Icon


REACH Recruitment hiring a business analyst Icon

Business analyst


Hiring an analyst whose role is focussed on careful, detailed analysis and preparation of carefully considered, detailed reports.
On the surface would you seek someone with a Decision-Making rating of Analytical or Intuitive?

REACH Recruiement decision making icon

Please note: Intended Use VS Misuse.

Adding value to recruitment and selection using both Scientific and Interpretive approaches is common practice, and is a great use of psychometrics. However, information provided in either approach should not be how decisions are made, interpreting a report as the desicion-making tool would be considered misuse of the tool. There are many reasons why psychometric instruments should not be used as the decision making tool.

Firstly, it describes a person’s most common natural style, it doesn’t mean they can’t or wouldn’t be able to perform well. Additionally, there are many aspects of a person beyond personality that are equally or more important.

For example, if your organisation communicates in a particular language, and the candidate doesn’t speak or read that language, their natural style will be of very low importance compared to the language barrier. This is a simple example, however there are always many other factors to consider than just personal style so these tools should always be used only as an additional piece of information.

Proper use of any psychometric tool is to provide the recruiter/interviewer with prompts to begin more explorative and purposeful interviewing to help make a more informed hiring decision - not to ‘make’ a decision.

Continue the growth journey beyond recruitment and selection through the REACH Ecosystem.

The unified resources achieve a simple, consistent experience, with a single framework embedded into all stages of the employee lifecycle. Resulting in a better learner experience and increased application.

PD Training REACH Leadership Capability Icon
Leadership Capability
  • Recruitment supported by the Leading Profile
  • Individual Coaching using the Coaches
  • Pack and Leading Profile
  • Leadership Team Strategy using the
  • Leadership Development Companion
  • Growing RQ = Improved Leadership
  • Training Courses in the library
PD Training REACH Development through Coaching Icon
Development through Coaching
  • Enhanced coaching using the Coaches Pack
  • Suitable for use with internal coaches or professional coaches
  • Based on the GROW model
  • Reinforces and reinforced by every other tool and training
  • Grows Reach Quotient (RQ)
PD Training REACH Cultural Development Icon
Cultural Development
  • REACH Culture provides actionable insights to improve Culture
  • Includes engagement Employee NPS & intent to stay in role
PD Training REACH Report on Growth Icon
Report on Growth in REACH
  • Higher Reach Quotient (RQ) correlates to improved leadership and sales
  • Use of the REACH Ecosystem will grow RQ
  • Report on RQ growth
  • RQ can be measured for the company overall using REACH Culture, and for individuals using many included reports
PD Training REACH Team Leadership Capability Icon
Team Leadership Capability
  • Create awareness and discover blind spots with REACH 360
  • 360 Self rating is ‘already done’ (using other parts of the ecosystem)
  • Rating takes 3 minutes (+ optional comments)
  • Support development with Training & Coaching

Identify opportunities.Implement Training and Coaching. Measure Success.

PD Training REACH Improve Recruitment Icon
Improve Recruitment
  • Tools to improve recruitment speed and success rates.
  • Role-defined Position Profiles
  • Recruiting Leaders
  • Recruiting Sales People
PD Training REACH LAwareness of Self and others Icon
Awareness of Self & Others
  • REACH Profiles including Team Dynamics, Personal Style Profiles and Communication Profiles
  • Supported by Training and Coaching resources that integrate the same frameworks
PD Training REACH Sales Capability Icon
Sales Capability
  • Recruitment supported by the Selling Profile or company specific Position Profile
  • Individual Sales development using the Selling Profile
  • Sales Team Strategy using the Sales Development Companion
  • Growing RQ = Increased Sales
  • Sales Training Courses included in the library
PD Training REACH Staff Professional Development Training Icon
Staff Professional Development Training
  • Action Training needs identified by Profiles, 360’s and Culture Surveys
  • Full courses with all resources and activities
  • Pull out activities for lunch ‘n learns
  • Reinforce with externally provided training
  • Supported by the Trainers Companion

Continue the growth journey beyond recruitment and selection through the REACH Ecosystem.

The unified resources achieve a simple, consistent experience, with a single framework embedded into all stages of the employee lifecycle. Resulting in a better learner experience and increased application.

REACH Leadership Capability Icon
Leadership Capability
  • Recruitment supported by the Leading Profile
  • Individual Coaching using the Coaches
  • Pack and Leading Profile
  • Leadership Team Strategy using the
  • Leadership Development Companion
  • Growing RQ = Improved Leadership
  • Training Courses in the library
REACH Development Through Coaching Icon
Development through Coaching
  • Enhanced coaching using the Coaches Pack
  • Suitable for use with internal coaches or professional coaches
  • Based on the GROW model
  • Reinforces and reinforced by every other tool and training
  • Grows Reach Quotient (RQ)
REACH Cultural Development Icon
Cultural Development
  • REACH Culture provides actionable insights to improve Culture
  • Includes engagement Employee NPS & intent to stay in role
Identify Opportunities. Implement Training and Coaching. Measure Success.
Report on Growth with REACH Icon
Report on Growth in REACH
  • Higher Reach Quotient (RQ) correlates to improved leadership and sales
  • Use of the REACH Ecosystem will grow RQ
  • Report on RQ growth
  • RQ can be measured for the company overall using REACH Culture, and for individuals using many included reports
REACH Team Leadership Capability Icon
Team Leadership Capability
  • Create awareness and discover blind spots with REACH 360
  • 360 Self rating is ‘already done’ (using other parts of the ecosystem)
  • Rating takes 3 minutes (+ optional comments)
  • Support development with Training & Coaching
REACH Awareness of Self and Others icon
Awareness of Self & Others
  • REACH Profiles including Team Dynamics, Personal Style Profiles and Communication Profiles
  • Supported by Training and Coaching resources that integrate the same frameworks
REACH Sales Capability Icon
Sales Capability
  • Recruitment supported by the Selling Profile or company specific Position Profile
  • Individual Sales development using the Selling Profile
  • Sales Team Strategy using the Sales Development Companion
  • Growing RQ = Increased Sales
  • Sales Training Courses included in the library
REACH Staff Professional Development Training Icon
Staff Professional Development Training
  • Action Training needs identified by Profiles, 360’s and Culture Surveys
  • Full courses with all resources and activities
  • Pull out activities for lunch ‘n learns
  • Reinforce with externally provided training
  • Supported by the Trainers Companion
REACH Improve Recruitment Icon
Improve Recruitment
  • Tools to improve recruitment speed and success rates.
  • Role-defined Position Profiles
  • Recruiting Leaders
  • Recruiting Sales People