Training management in the cloud


Participant App - orgmenta

Your Workforce

  • Empower your diverse mobile workforce like never before.
  • See how orgmenta from PD Training transforms your organisational learning.
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Training Management and Research App

Training Management and Research App - Training Management Centre

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100's of courses
in minutes
  • Instant quotes to have tailored training delivered in your offices nationwide
  • 100's of courses in 16 categories built in to the system
  • Flexible options - choose courseware, course duration, even choose your bonus
  • Plan a national annual training calendar of tailored training in just a few minutes

Deliver Tailored
Training Made Easy
  • It's faster and easier to research and book than ever before.
  • Your expert trainer will discuss your learning goals, and tailor the course for your team
  • Compare key business metrics before and after the course - we help you measure the success of the training - based on what is important to you!
  • Course admin has moved to the cloud - it is easier, faster and simpler than ever before to plan, arrange and report on training.
Enterprise-wide self service and reporting

Enterprise-wide self service and reporting

enterprise training centre
Management Centre

  • Engage Managers at all levels in learning by making planning, organising, tailoring, reporting on, and supporting training easier than ever before.
  • Manage individual Department Budgets
  • Report on each Department Costs,
  • Outcomes and ROI

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Schedule Open
enrolment classes
  • Automate your training calendar, simply choose your preferred courses and locations and it's always up to date.
  • Integrates with your existing Intranet site
  • Negotiated pricing
  • Automated reporting
  • Approval workflow
